TAL Journal: review articles in NLP (63-3)

TAL Journal: Special issue: review articles in NLP

2022 Volume 63 Number 3

Editors: Cécile Fabre, Emmanuel Morin, Sophie Rosset and Pascale Sébillot


This special issue of the journal TAL invites articles that summarize the current state of knowledge in one of the fields of natural language processing.

The article will discuss research made in the chosen field and will present how it has evolved to the most recent advances. The synthesis must be rigorous, clear and accessible to readers of the journal TAL who are not specialists in the subject of the article. It should provide a perspective on the work presented, allowing the reader to understand the relation between the various lines of research.

The topics covered are those usually targeted by the varia issues of the journal, i.e. all aspects of natural processing of written, spoken and signed languages and of computational linguistics. The theme of the article may be identified within the following fields (non-exhaustive list):

- Computational models of language, statistical learning and modeling
- Lexical and terminological resources
- Linguistic tools (tokenization, tagging, parsing, etc.)
- Intermodality and multimodality
- Language multiplicity and diversity, multilingual processing, translation
- Semantics, discourse, pragmatics, comprehension
- Information access and text mining
- Text generation and synthesis
- Speech or sign language recognition/synthesis
- Dialogue
- Evaluation
- Explicability and reproducibility
- NLP in interaction with other disciplines (e.g. digital humanities)
- NLP and ethics

Note the date of intention to submit (calendar below): the authors will have to submit an abstract of the chosen theme. This phase is important for the selection of external reviewers specialized in the subject matter.


Articles are written in English or French. Submissions in English are
accepted only if one of the co-authors is not French speaking.


The length of the papers must be between 20 and 25 pages.

The TAL journal has a double-blind review process. It is necessary to anonymize the article, the name of the file, and to avoid

Style sheets are available on the journal's website

Authors are invited to submit their paper by clicking on the menu "Paper submission" (PDF
article" menu (PDF format). To do so, you will need to have an account on the sciencesconf platform (http://www.sciencesconf.org). Click on "create account" next to the
"Connect" button at the top of the page. To submit, come back to the
page (soon available) http://tal-63-3.sciencesconf.org/, connect to you
account and upload your submission.


Each article is evaluated by three reviewers, two external reviewers and a member of the editorial board of the journal TAL. The list of the members of the editorial board of the journal is available at http://www.atala.org/content/comit%C3%A9-de-r%C3%A9daction-0




  • Intention to submit specifying the chosen theme: Mai, 11 2022
  • Submission deadline: July 1, July 8 2022
  • Notification to the authors after first review: end of September october 2022
  • Notification to the authors after second review: end of Dec 2022
  • Publication : February 2023


TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues / Natural Language Processing) is an international journal published by ATALA (French Association for Natural Language Processing, http://www.atala.org) since 1959 with the support of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). It has moved to an electronic mode of publication, with printing on demand.

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